Josie Gabrielli

I'm fundraising for...the kids.

I am taking part in the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride to raise funds for Children's Cancer Institute.
Every week in Australia, 20 children are diagnosed with cancer and sadly, three young lives will be lost to the disease. Children's
Cancer Institute is the only independent medical research institute wholly dedicated to childhood cancer.
Together, we can help more children with cancer not only survive but go on to live long and healthy lives.
Please DONATE NOW and support my 3-day ride to change the lives of children with cancer.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Paynters Team

Well Done Josie!


Prue Meier

Amazing Josie! You are going to love the experience .


Jenny Skeggs

Good on you please stay safe trecking up that mountain


Kristy G

So proud of you. Ride on


Yaric Robinson

Happy training!


Pamela Whittaker

All the best for the ride, Jo!


Jeanmaree Furtado

Ride like the wind Josie!


Leah Barlow-thompson


Jennifer Celotto

Go Josie!



Go for it! 💪🚴🏻‍♂️🦀