Darren LEE

We can make a difference to Childrens Cancer by donating to my efforts in the 25th anniversary ride.

I am taking part in the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride to raise funds for Children's Cancer Institute.
Every week in Australia, 20 children are diagnosed with cancer and sadly, three young lives will be lost to the disease. Children's
Cancer Institute is the only independent medical research institute wholly dedicated to childhood cancer.
Together, we can help more children with cancer not only survive but go on to live long and healthy lives.
Please DONATE NOW and support my 3-day ride to change the lives of children with cancer.

My Achievements

My Updates

We can make a difference to Childrens Cancer by donating to my efforts in the 25th anniversary ride.

Saturday 1st Mar
Riding my 4th year in the TCBR and 2nd year as the Vice President, I pinch myself for everyone's commitment to raise funds for Children's Cancer

Thank you to my Sponsors


Carmel Mildren

Ride like the wind, may the pickle juice, be ever in your favour. Love you


Vicki Samuels

Keep up the good work


Darren Lee



Good luck

