george thompson

I'm fundraising for...

I am taking part in the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride to raise funds for Children's Cancer Institute.
Every week in Australia, 20 children are diagnosed with cancer and sadly, three young lives will be lost to the disease. Children's
Cancer Institute is the only independent medical research institute wholly dedicated to childhood cancer.
Together, we can help more children with cancer not only survive but go on to live long and healthy lives.
Please DONATE NOW and support my 3-day ride to change the lives of children with cancer.

My Achievements

My Updates

4 sleeps to go

Sunday 21st Jul
As townsville freezes. The training continues. Today was 60km with the sleek aerodynamic platapi?

Tomorrow is packing or trying to and more riding.

The whole town is involved and excited, and its great to be part of something that almost everyone here has been.involved in over the last 24y.

Maybe it's the blue sky, the blue water,  the palm all helps make this journey a pleasure and I'm excited to get going

Morning prac ride

Sunday 21st Jul

Double donation day 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Friday 19th Jul
To all my donors thankyou so much.

In a world where things seem to be topsy turvy for so many reasons, it's nice to know I'm surrounded and supported by you all, to do what I can with this charity ride.

I started out as an EMU, but those birds were just too fast for me, so now I'm riding with the platypuses, who look serene as the peddle along but are way sleeker and aerodynamic to my mind.

I can only do my best, which will be 110% as always.

To you all, thank you again, and please stay safe and  sound ❤️ 🙏 

Keeping my friend working 100%

Monday 15th Jul

Racing le tour 2024

Monday 15th Jul

11 sleeps to our big charity ride

Sunday 14th Jul
Somehow it's hard to believe thst in less than 2w, this year's TCBR will be over and the final tally for monies raised announced.

I wanted to say thank you again to the people who have supported me and donated to the shows that when people work together, they can do amazing things and help change the world.

Tomorrow I'll post some pics of me training on black river road....just a 40km taster.

Let me know what you think!

90% of kids with leukaemia now survive

Tuesday 9th Jul

Today I met the cancer tesearches online

Tuesday 9th Jul
What an anazing opportunity to meet researches from the cancer institute I'm raising money for.

I even got to ask a couple of questions!

The good news is that our 24th bike race will help the institute continue its work at making childhood cancer disappear and from the virtual tour of their labs, tissue freezers, and even the cut edge liquid biopsy blood testing...they can even test kids now without biopsy and all GPs are included in education about new cancer programs for their patients u18.

I knew they did so much, but to hear them talk and share their research, was mind blowing.

So I'm progressing with my training and getting my dad bod ready to do battle.

If you havnt donated yet, think about it please..if we all do a little, we can change the  world 🌎 

Happy day today

Tuesday 2nd Jul
Today I picked up my bike from BNG who took my old bike out of its plane box last week, added bits and pieces incl tyres, and so now I can start training for the ride.
Very excited 😊 
I may not have been on a bike for a year now in the great outdoors (due to a challenge from my wife), but I've been pretty much riding everyday since I was 4y old., so I know it will feel like im putting back on comfy old slippers and plonking onto my fav chair, as I watch the amazing outdoors rush by.
The countdown is on..just over 3w to go.

another day in paradise but...

Monday 1st Jul
Thankyou to my friends and family who have donated so far.  Very much appreciated. 
I started the day off swimming 3km in townsville ship to shore with local sharks, stingers, maybe a cruising croc, and felt amazing after.  I'm so lucky to be able to do this in my 65th year.

But of course there are so many people around our world who don't have this luxury, and who won't see 65y, and this is why I'm so grateful to the organisers of this charity ride.

It allows people like me, just ordinary retired people, to be part of something bigger than us, and helps us keep in touch with things that are so important to our fellow Aussies, esp. the health of our children.

3 weeks watching the best in the world, dig deep!

Saturday 29th Jun
Tonight is le tour night and I get to sit home and watch 8 national champions go head to head over the next 3w as they cycle endless kms through Italy and France. 
I'm excited to see how pogacar handles his fellow riders, especially considering that vinneguard, last years winner, had a punctured lung and numerous broken ribs etc, just 3m ago.
I'm sure those of us watching will see some amazing riders, show us all, how the great game can be played, with respect, friendship and courage. 
The fact that 4 of the top 8 were in hospitals only 3m ago, and have still come to battle it out, seems amazing to me.
This is what great cycling is..a mix of skill, courage and sheer determination!
I hope we can follow their lead on our own adventure and get over the line in 4 weeks today, happy, healthy and still able to walk!

Tax deductibility this financial year?

Friday 28th Jun
Some friends and family have asked about tax deductibility?
All donations made before 11.59pm 30 June 2024 will come off your tax return for this financial year.
Likewise, after 1 July 24, the donation will come off 2025 tax return.
Enjoy the weekend where ever you are 🚵‍♂️

what am I doing?

Friday 28th Jun
So thankyou to all those who have reached out after my texts.
Many have asked why this, why now when both jane and I are trying to just go 100% r and r.
Well life everyone, life is what happens when your busy planning.
I saw the poster, got a very late registration and have been madly scrambling to play catch up.
Why this cause? Because we have all been there in some way either sick kids, or friends, parents, even people we really don't know but feel connection with like Princess Kate..cancer is everywhere, so if my riding 3 days and getting a little saddlesore can help bring focus onto this issue, then personally i think its worth the effort.
So if you would like to help, please do. No pressure though. We all do whst we can in our own ways, our own time.
Wish me luck !

Thank you to my Sponsors


Courtney Mannion

Best of luck, love Courtney and James


Danielle Carter


Big W & Grill'd Townsville

We are so proud to support your ride for kids with cancer.


Jennifer Hobson

Go George


Wayne Kippin

Admire you for taking this challenge on George; especially in aid of a good cause! Best of luck!


Collette Barton

Go George!!


Kurtis Keverkis


Tony Godfrey-smith

Good Luck! Go for it George.


Fatma Lowden

Good cause George! Well done!


Michelle Mitchell

Huge strength to you George and well done on your achievements so far! Love the Mitchell’s


Kenneth Mckenzie

Good luck George, you re a far better man than I. Safe and enjoyable ride



Good luck George



Go Dad!


Deb And Warrick

Go George!


Laura Venables

You got this George


Izzy Stoffers

Great job George!!! Proud of you


Fraser Hawkins

Go George!


Steve H

Go George!


Bmd Urbex & Optimum Legal

We are so proud to support your ride for kids with cancer.


Deborah Peters

You did it!!!!!